الأربعاء، 16 مايو 2012

The Room of Sultan Uljeitu ::Islamic Arts and Architecture

The Room of Sultan Uljeitu ::Islamic Arts and Architecture

The Room of Sultan Muhammad Khodabandeh Uljeitu  (r. 1304-17) in the Jameh Mosque (Isfahan),  is home to one of the mosque’s greatest treasures – an exquisite stucco mihrabawash with dense Quranic inscriptions and floral designs.
Stucco Mihrab
Exquisite stucco mihrab awash with dense Quranic inscriptions and floral designs
Mihrab and Minbar in the room of Sultan Uljeitu, Jameh Mosque of Isfahan
Room of Sultan Uljietu
View of the room
Ceiling of the room of Sultan Uljeitu
Ceiling of the room of Sultan Uljeitu
Ceiling Detail
Another detail of the ceiling of the room of Sultan Uljeitu
Another detail of the ceiling
The Mihrab
Stucco Mihrab detail
Stucco Mihrab Detail
Stucco Mihrab Detail
Stucco Mihrab Detail

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المسجد النبوي الشريف - جولة إفتراضية ثلاثية الأبعاد

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